Tuesday 4 January 2011

Lifes a laugh !

Happy new year to all....

2011 eh?! Let us see what delights you bring us.

I love people which blame the year for their misfortunes..." God damn you 2010, I had such a bad year." I wonder if they actually believe that each year is a being? What do you think, 2011 has just come along, attached puppet strings to you all and is sat there thinking "ha! i'm going to screw up everything!"

Take some control people!

I on the other hand try and prevent bad years, not in the traditional way of obtaining a great job, girlfriend, car etc. The way I deal with things is through laughter. That's right, i'm one of those pain in the arse people who thinks that its all one big game. The way I see it is we are all here for a set amount of time, i'm most happy when laughing, as is everyone around me, so why not try and make this a regular occurance?

How do I do this?
A series of sarcasm and facetiousness! This ranges from the daily banter I initiate between myself and family, extending to everybody else I encounter!

Sometimes this can be embaressing to a certain somebody (my Juliet) but she secretly loves it. I'm sure that shade of red her face turned when I asked the waitress in the Chinese restaurant for some Pecking (Peking) Duck, was one of admiration and appreciation of humour....

To assist me in obtaining my next fix in the drug which is laughter, please share with me what makes you laugh.

Look forward to hearing some stories.


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